The next movie we are researching is called Casino it is a crime filled drama movie that was made in 1995. It can be related to other movies like Oceans 11 and Goodfellas. The dramatics in this movie are truly recognized seeing as as soon as the movie starts it is like the quiet before the storm. The movie opening begins with introducing the Studio names, Production companies, and what the story was created based off of. The visuals displayed to show the titles are does so with casino themes colors that go perfect for the movie style this represents. The actors are then portrayed followed by the movie title, more actors, casters, costume designers, title sequence makers, the editor, production designer, director of photography, screenplay, producers, and directors of the film. The Image that showed priority in the film was the ending mid range shot that provided a full view of the Mis-en-scene showing that he is standing in the center of the...