Malcom and Marie revolves around a young couple, a filmmaker and his muse, and their seemingly toxic dynamic. Despite being a modern day film, the movie is in black and white playing into the elements of drama. Setting a gloomy and dreary atmosphere. An element of drama this movie has is mood and atmosphere. The writers did a wonderful job of conveying a serious mood throughout the film. Although there were moments of laughter the film maintained its seriousness. Another key element of drama within this film was dramatic tension. The constant revealing of subtle but plot altering information kept the audience at their toes. Throughout the film the character Marie reveals she was indeed an addict and Malcolm’s entire film was based upon her life experience. The dramatic tension is presented once again when Marie seemingly has a ‘relapse’ and pulls a knife out on Malcolm threatening him to tell her where the pills are. Marie being an actor on the rise only did this to prove to Malcolm she had what it took to be an authentic actor in his film and provoke emotion. The use of black and white filter on the film was very much appreciated and is a common theme amongst drama films. One element of drama portrayed in the film that wasn’t as appealing was the situation itself. The plot followed out a lengthy argument which lasted about 2 hours, the entire duration of the film. I found that to be quite boring.
Malcom and Marie revolves around a young couple, a filmmaker and his muse, and their seemingly toxic dynamic. Despite being a modern day film, the movie is in black and white playing into the elements of drama. Setting a gloomy and dreary atmosphere. An element of drama this movie has is mood and atmosphere. The writers did a wonderful job of conveying a serious mood throughout the film. Although there were moments of laughter the film maintained its seriousness. Another key element of drama within this film was dramatic tension. The constant revealing of subtle but plot altering information kept the audience at their toes. Throughout the film the character Marie reveals she was indeed an addict and Malcolm’s entire film was based upon her life experience. The dramatic tension is presented once again when Marie seemingly has a ‘relapse’ and pulls a knife out on Malcolm threatening him to tell her where the pills are. Marie being an actor on the rise only did this to prove to Malcolm she had what it took to be an authentic actor in his film and provoke emotion. The use of black and white filter on the film was very much appreciated and is a common theme amongst drama films. One element of drama portrayed in the film that wasn’t as appealing was the situation itself. The plot followed out a lengthy argument which lasted about 2 hours, the entire duration of the film. I found that to be quite boring.
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