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Showing posts from March, 2021

Production Blog: Spring Break is Over

      So we are back from spring break today and everything is in order. Although, we did not film and we did not communicate over the break. I could have predicted that but in that time I did text one group member Nishayla and she was talking to me about an idea she had about changing a scene by the pond I'm not to sure what is was about I don't really remember. However, if any changes are to be made then everything will be adjusted so everything aligns properly. That is if she decides to bring it up to the group.       We decided to do icebreakers have discussed our grades and how our break was before getting to the hard work.  In doing so, we came to agreement that things over the break cleared up and the break gave us time to organize our lives to get everything in order. Fortunately we now have clear schedules allowing us time to film. Unfortunately though in the last minute I did happen to misplace my camera and I eventually will find it but in the current moment it is ne

Production Blog: Busy Bee's

       So again my groupmates and I have not begun to film. However plans to film this weekend coming or during spring break even became an option for us. Idline has been busy with work. I have no transportation. Rohanna has not received her schedule for the week to come and Nishayla has her practice days. I have put all my sports and extra curriculars on pause.       I have been overwhelmed and tired lately. School alone is really taking a huge part in this but its okay because everything for this part of school is going well. Nothing has changed once more everything is still the same. We are just waiting for everyone to get settled and adjust to things again. Since changes are being made and things are just happening everywhere the main priority right now is to just make sure that we all stay safe and protected so that we actually can complete this project.        There isn't much to discuss but with all the things happening in our daily lives things definitely aren't boring.

Production blog: The Journey Through Time

       Okay so with the last blog we talked about all the prepping and planning that happened along the way for filming and editing to begin but now we are just in the waiting stages. At some point I fell behind in the blogging but I was able to stay on top of everything and keep up with the dates. I managed to build the stories dramatics and discussed it with the group but since the last time we blogged the group has been out of contact. We have not communicated in that time since school began to get hectic and work plus other inconveniences. Everyday life problems began to get in the way which made it harder for us to stay in touch.       The stress really began to kick in this quarter. It is mentally taking atoll on all of us I can see in in the way we talk. I have been very repetitive in questions and I am sure we all are just ready for our spring break to come and save us from all the stress we're experiencing in the moment. We have our location set. Everything else is taken c

Production blog: Multiple Exposure discovery

    So its been a while since the last update and things haven't gotten very far but there are some positives that have happened. We were able to pick a location that satisfied most of our needs with out the hassle of needing permission to film and be on park grounds. We thought to see if we could find more actors but it was harder than expected. Seeing as everyone would have to have their own transportation and our filming would have to fit into someone else schedule. This made it harder on us but we kept searching.       So we had someone but the plans ended up changing when that person was no longer available. We understood that sometimes circumstances change. So, now we are all just planning a day to set up and film. This consist of making sure we have the camera set and all phones charged. Also having battery packs for the camera ready.       We definitely can't forget mask for covid-19 protection. An lastly, its key to having a first aid kit on deck for the day to come an

Production: Prepping for the film

     Today was the day that my group and I decided to talk about our filming dates and how things would go moving forward. As it turns out, seeing as we each had our own things to deal with, the timing for us to film was going to clash and cause a few bumps in the road for us. Some of us had to work while others had to take other exams and deal with family issues. Since, we all knew it would be a while before we could find a date we all could agree upon, we all made sure to come to an agreement. The deal was that if the time came and we couldn't all make it we would film without the others and figure out how to combine everything in editing together.       Rohanna one of the group mates managed to find a park to film at with all the props and settings we would need. With an understanding that I didn't have transportation at the time scheduling everything was definitely necessary for me. With that to think about I was playing as an actor along with Nishayla another group member

Filming & editing: Just an Update

      So for today we are discussing the details of everything going on so far for the film from my perspective. So as you know I am working with a group of girls and we created a pitch that basically is about two girl bestfriends and one of them dies from leukemia. This is a drama film made as a dystopian story. So we have just about everything we need as a group to move on to filming. However, we have really busy schedule's so we do have to do some date changes for filming which we have not yet started because were still prepping for everything.       We are all juniors therefore, we needed time to study for our SAT's. Of course we took that time to make sur we were able to get some studying in. everything has been as huge success so far. We do need to finish gathering the props we will be using and due to corona we will have my mother there as apart of our safety team. This means we do have to make accommodations for her work schedule. Everyone has mask and hand sanitizer fo

Storyboard blog

Storyboard Revision Slide 1 The sound of two girls laughing together as a faded background displays moving leukemia ribbons around the screen  Slide 2 Girls exchange dialogue Slide 3 Jules begins coughing vigorously Slide 4 Kim asks if she’s okay Slide 5 Screen fades in and out as if to be a blink. Slide 6  The girls continue having fun running towards a swing set on a playground  Slide 7  speaking of their soon to be picnic and being hungry. Slide 8  The girls walk towards the picnic they have set up in the grass nearby   Slide 9 The girls lay down as Jules begins to pant heavily as if to have a critical shortness of breath  Slide 10    Jules passes out from dizziness Slide 11 Kim begins to scream and cry in distress Slide 12 The screen once again goes black as if from the perspective of jules eyes closing  Slide 13 the dialogue from kim continues and she continues to call out Jules name while dialing 911 Slide 14  The sirens can be heard in the distance Slide 15 Kim continues to tell