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Storyboard blog

Storyboard Revision

Slide 1

The sound of two girls laughing together as a faded background displays moving leukemia ribbons around the screen 

Slide 2

Girls exchange dialogue

Slide 3

Jules begins coughing vigorously

Slide 4

Kim asks if she’s okay

Slide 5

Screen fades in and out as if to be a blink.

Slide 6

 The girls continue having fun running towards a swing set on a playground 

Slide 7

 speaking of their soon to be picnic and being hungry.

Slide 8

 The girls walk towards the picnic they have set up in the grass nearby  

Slide 9

The girls lay down as Jules begins to pant heavily as if to have a critical shortness of breath 

Slide 10


Jules passes out from dizziness

Slide 11

Kim begins to scream and cry in distress

Slide 12

The screen once again goes black as if from the perspective of jules eyes closing 

Slide 13

the dialogue from kim continues and she continues to call out Jules name while dialing 911

Slide 14 

The sirens can be heard in the distance

Slide 15

Kim continues to tell her to hold on before it goes completely quiet 

Slide 16 

They arrive at the hospital and meet with a nurse

Slide 17 

Kim explains what is wrong and what happened at the scene 

Slide 18 

The nurse says “ I’m sorry to say ——— has been diagnosed with leukemia”


Slide 19 

Kim shot up in shock. 

Slide 20 

Kim then begins crying as she stutters saying “N-Not again”.

Slide 21

 Kim leaves to go home

Slide 22

She is walking down the street as she thinks back to the first time her friend had leukemia. 


Slide 23

Kim holds back her tears

Slide 24

she stops by the playground they enjoyed playing at as kids

Slide 25

She lets out a light chuckle(hysterically) 

Slide 26

Kim goes to the spot where they marked their initials and the date.

Slide 27

She looks at it with a weak smile.

Slide 28 

Kim goes to sit down at the end of the slide 

Slide 29

Kim cries hysterically 

Slide 30

Kim begins to think it may be the end of their friendship because Jules may die

Slide 31

She then comes up with the idea of making a bucket list.

Slide 32

She runs off to go tell jules 

Slide 33

Kim gets back to Jules and tells her about the bucket list plan 

Slide 34

The two are seen sitting next to each other while making the bucket list

Slide 35

They are laughing.

While continuing the list

Slide 36

jules is told she has to go home soon

Slide 37 

They spend the rest of their time talking about a random topic in the field. 

Slide 38

Kim gets up to leave

Slide 39

Kim lets Jules know that their bucket list adventure will begin tomorrow(the next day)

Slide 40 

Girls go their separate ways 

Slide 41

Kim sits there for a while  

Slide 42

Kim thinks about everything her and jules have done  together

Slide 43

Kim cries silently 

Slide 44

Kim has the thought of suicide cross her mind 

Slide 45

Kim speaks to herself in thought sitting by the lake

Slide 46

Kim believes she can not live without jules

Slide 47

Kimthen remembers she can’t swim 

Slide 48

Kim then attempts to jump in the lake 

Slide 49 

Coincidentally kim’s cousin Faith takes a trip to the park

Slide 50

Faith see’s kim 

Slide 51

Faith calls out to Kim

Slide 52

Faith runs out to kim in excitement 

Slide 53

Faith turns Kim around

Slide 54

Kim's cheeks are tear stained with bright red crying eyes 

Lide 55

Faith realizes kim's state 

Slide 56

Faith pulls Kim in for a hug 

Slide 57

Faith and kim exchange dialogue on Jules condition

Slide 58

Faith walks Kim to go get something to eat 

Slide 59

Kim feels better and facetimes Jules

Slide 60

Jules mother answers and tells them she just had a seizure


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