Storyboard Revision
Slide 1 The sound of two girls laughing together as a faded background displays moving leukemia ribbons around the screen | Slide 2 Girls exchange dialogue | Slide 3 Jules begins coughing vigorously |
Slide 4 Kim asks if she’s okay | Slide 5 Screen fades in and out as if to be a blink. | Slide 6 The girls continue having fun running towards a swing set on a playground |
Slide 7 speaking of their soon to be picnic and being hungry. | Slide 8 The girls walk towards the picnic they have set up in the grass nearby | Slide 9 The girls lay down as Jules begins to pant heavily as if to have a critical shortness of breath |
Slide 10 Jules passes out from dizziness | Slide 11 Kim begins to scream and cry in distress | Slide 12 The screen once again goes black as if from the perspective of jules eyes closing |
Slide 13 the dialogue from kim continues and she continues to call out Jules name while dialing 911 | Slide 14 The sirens can be heard in the distance | Slide 15 Kim continues to tell her to hold on before it goes completely quiet |
Slide 16 They arrive at the hospital and meet with a nurse | Slide 17 Kim explains what is wrong and what happened at the scene | Slide 18 The nurse says “ I’m sorry to say ——— has been diagnosed with leukemia”
Slide 19 Kim shot up in shock. | Slide 20 Kim then begins crying as she stutters saying “N-Not again”. | Slide 21 Kim leaves to go home |
Slide 22 She is walking down the street as she thinks back to the first time her friend had leukemia. (flashback) | Slide 23 Kim holds back her tears | Slide 24 she stops by the playground they enjoyed playing at as kids |
Slide 25 She lets out a light chuckle(hysterically) | Slide 26 Kim goes to the spot where they marked their initials and the date. | Slide 27 She looks at it with a weak smile. |
Slide 28 Kim goes to sit down at the end of the slide | Slide 29 Kim cries hysterically | Slide 30 Kim begins to think it may be the end of their friendship because Jules may die |
Slide 31 She then comes up with the idea of making a bucket list. | Slide 32 She runs off to go tell jules | Slide 33 Kim gets back to Jules and tells her about the bucket list plan |
Slide 34 The two are seen sitting next to each other while making the bucket list | Slide 35 They are laughing. While continuing the list | Slide 36 jules is told she has to go home soon |
Slide 37 They spend the rest of their time talking about a random topic in the field. | Slide 38 Kim gets up to leave | Slide 39 Kim lets Jules know that their bucket list adventure will begin tomorrow(the next day) |
Slide 40 Girls go their separate ways | Slide 41 Kim sits there for a while | Slide 42 Kim thinks about everything her and jules have done together |
Slide 43 Kim cries silently | Slide 44 Kim has the thought of suicide cross her mind | Slide 45 Kim speaks to herself in thought sitting by the lake |
Slide 46 Kim believes she can not live without jules | Slide 47 Kimthen remembers she can’t swim | Slide 48 Kim then attempts to jump in the lake |
Slide 49 Coincidentally kim’s cousin Faith takes a trip to the park | Slide 50 Faith see’s kim | Slide 51 Faith calls out to Kim |
Slide 52 Faith runs out to kim in excitement | Slide 53 Faith turns Kim around | Slide 54 Kim's cheeks are tear stained with bright red crying eyes |
Lide 55 Faith realizes kim's state | Slide 56 Faith pulls Kim in for a hug | Slide 57 Faith and kim exchange dialogue on Jules condition |
Slide 58 Faith walks Kim to go get something to eat | Slide 59 Kim feels better and facetimes Jules | Slide 60 Jules mother answers and tells them she just had a seizure |
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