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Showing posts from October, 2020

Editing Blog: Corrections

      Okay so today I have officially finished editing and honestly it was a lot easier than I thought it was. However, I did struggle with uploading my videos and pictures from my takes onto my editing software on my laptop. I thought I would be okay with using my Nikkon D3200 camera since this laptop has a SD card slot but the problem I ran into along the way was that my SD card didn't fit in the slot. Even though I thought it would; I didn't realize that the size would be a problem. That is a small factor I should consider next time so I don't have this problem. I started editing at 10:45 and finished at 2:13 the next day I only took this long ,because I was struggling to go through all my takes and figure out which ones I wanted to use.       Once I finally went through all 40 takes I was making small mistakes in splits and trims of the videos. I even accidentally replaced one take with a picture on accident. I actually left that mistake in there, because it kind of fit

Filming Blog: Nike Gone Wrong

            So, yesterday I started filming my Nike commercial and as expected things didn't really go according to plan. It was raining really bad and certain areas were flooding to dangerous measures so my original actors didn't show to the park. I got to the scene late and my co-partner Nishayla couldn't come with me that day anymore. So while everything is falling apart I was doing my best to find modifications for my film since everyone ended up busy and unable to help me anymore. I was able to get two people that I picked up myself to be in the film.                I realized that even though its raining I can still film in this weather. The reason being that it allows a certain message to be portrayed in the commercial. So using my imagination I was able to pull together a few last minute things and since one of the actors didn't own anything from the Nike brand I made a small modification that allowed two different brands to coexist in my commercial. The two bra

Storyboard: Nike Film Sports and Education

First Scene: The first scene that will be shot is a close up shot its main focus will be on the shoes of the actor. They will step onto the track or Court which I decide to film first and there will be a sound effect behind the actor stepping onto the field of play and that sound will either be like a dramatic boom or a squeak from sneakers running up and down a basketball court in a gym. While this is going on the spokesperson will begin to speak from their script that will follow along all throughout the six scenes. Second Scene: This is a follow-up shot that is known as a tilt shot where the camera will follow the actor as they walk going from feet to head to access the athletes attire then a mid-shot will follow suit of that person standing still to address what they are wearing while holding a basketball. This person will then after mid-shot Dribble the ball around showing off their ballhandling skills as the spokesperson continues to speak through the entire thing. Third Scene: T

Planning Blog: What to do moving forward

 I will be talking about my next planning methods for the future commercial. My next moves for the commercial project this incudes props, costumes, due dates, location as well as the editing days I will need to perfect the ad. I struggled at first to pick a brand to focus on at first. I took a while but made my final decisions on the 26th of October as far as planning goes. I was able to establish what tools I would need to use to successfully complete this ad.  So, lets start with props; the props I plan to use although there aren't very many they are crucial. I will be using my Nikon d3200 camera to film and as extras I will need a basketball a small team of girls which I can easily obtain from my team. I may also need baby oil and water to help add to my sweat effect. Costumes will also be needed to set the stage and scene so I planned to use Nike branded outfits from tights to dry fit t-shirts. These can range from all sorts of color with the Nike symbol on it.  Other branded N

Research Blog: Brainstorming Nike

 If you couldn't tell by title today's blog is going to be me giving information from the research I gathered for my future Nike commercial. Since I am making a commercial on the brand Nike and Nike owns many other popular brands such as Jordan's and converse I had to research this to make sure they aren't two separate brands under different companies. Nike commercials typically involves physical activity such as playing sports and dancing maybe even exercising on a track or using stairs/ bleachers. Usually sweating happens or and effect is made on the characters to show this is what's happening to add to the effect and exaggeration. There are usually people working out wearing Nike branded gear from clothes to shoes and sweat bands basically anything from Jordan's to converse is apart of Nike company and can be worn as long as the logo is seen.  These commercials typically have a deeper meaning or something the company stands for such as the Black lives matter