So, yesterday I started filming my Nike commercial and as expected things didn't really go according to plan. It was raining really bad and certain areas were flooding to dangerous measures so my original actors didn't show to the park. I got to the scene late and my co-partner Nishayla couldn't come with me that day anymore. So while everything is falling apart I was doing my best to find modifications for my film since everyone ended up busy and unable to help me anymore. I was able to get two people that I picked up myself to be in the film.
I realized that even though its raining I can still film in this weather. The reason being that it allows a certain message to be portrayed in the commercial. So using my imagination I was able to pull together a few last minute things and since one of the actors didn't own anything from the Nike brand I made a small modification that allowed two different brands to coexist in my commercial. The two brands I choose were Nike and Under Amour. I would have left it alone had the logo not been so visible but I was able to recognize it on one of my actors shirts while I was editing.
This specific segment I couldn't refilm on short notice so I modified the film to suit him and made adjustments. These two had a hard time staying in character so I just shot in takes and muted the sound. I plan to do a voiceover or add music in the commercial to make it interesting while the commercial goes on. Each actor put in great effort and made things easier for me by suggesting things and movements I could use since it was raining. We tried to shoot one scene and it didn't go to well one of the actors ended up hurt but he was okay in the end. This made us realize that for certain parts we had to be careful and find a way around our predicament.
I honestly have to give these two boys credit for helping me film on such short notice for them. Actor 1 his name is Zuhri he was the main character, because he was the one with the most Nike owned clothes. Actor 2, Toni was the one who helped me adjust the camera and focus it to help get the shots I wanted. He also helped in getting things to kind of stay on task with the storyboard that I was planning to follow. Without these two I feel as though this commercial would have been a huge fail for me. I was able to get a small glimpse of what some directors go through when they plan the stage and everyday life problems stand in the way of progress.
. So please enjoy the small clip that shows the fall accident of actor 1.
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