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Planning Blog: What to do moving forward

 I will be talking about my next planning methods for the future commercial. My next moves for the commercial project this incudes props, costumes, due dates, location as well as the editing days I will need to perfect the ad. I struggled at first to pick a brand to focus on at first. I took a while but made my final decisions on the 26th of October as far as planning goes. I was able to establish what tools I would need to use to successfully complete this ad. 

So, lets start with props; the props I plan to use although there aren't very many they are crucial. I will be using my Nikon d3200 camera to film and as extras I will need a basketball a small team of girls which I can easily obtain from my team. I may also need baby oil and water to help add to my sweat effect. Costumes will also be needed to set the stage and scene so I planned to use Nike branded outfits from tights to dry fit t-shirts. These can range from all sorts of color with the Nike symbol on it. 

Other branded Nike athletic wear is also an option and actors hair would have to be put up in a bun or ponytail out of the way while exercising. On October 27th, 2020 after I made my final decisions I was able to complete all my planning and accomplish finishing my storyboard which was a success. On the 28th I will be going out to make sure the stage is ready to film and begin my filming. Hopefully on the 29th that will happen. After ill start recording and finish my shots and since I already have found my stage and begun filming, I should be starting my editing soon after. 

However, I'm not sure yet what the due date I will have for that is so I will release that in the future filming blog. The location that I want to use is carter park. I want to use this place, because it would give me access to a gym, an indoor basketball court, empty stage rooms, a pool, as well as a track and outside basketball court. Having this park as my set up allows me to make accommodations to my scene with ease in case of missing people or weather changes. Have this park would make filming easier, because in case of needed extra time and a place to charge my camera there are outlets and there isn't a closing time for the park. This therefore, makes it easier to do as I please while filming and editing my ad. I will also have a partner named Nishayla who will be helping me film hopefully if all goes well but as I said I have accommodations that I can use in case of everything going wrong. Until then enjoy my online pictures from Nike that help me in script writing for the spokesperson.


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