Common lighting- three-point lighting, high-key lighting, back lighting, and low key lighting
Common camera Angles- low angle, high angle, & canted (dutch) angle
Common camera movements- dolly, pan, tilt, zoom & reverse zoom
In Mis-en-scene - there are lots of makeup, props, costumes, and setting changes
Elements include- plot (climax/tension), characters, thoughts, diction in scripting, sound/music choice, and cinematography/editing
Example films include- Five feet Apart, dream girls, Harriet, and queen & slim.
Common sound- Dietetic and non-dietetic sound , dialogue, soundtracks, and voice overs
Liked elements: Soundtrack/music choice, diction as well as lighting choices
Disliked elements: the plot established for most drama films feel incomplete and unfinished and if not done properly the characters theatrics can be over done.
Drama, I believe, improves my artistic and creative ability while also providing me with a greater awareness of myself and the world. Drama promotes abilities in interpreting, investigating, bargaining, problem solving, and decision making, as well as personal control, confidence, and teamwork. Drama, in my opinion, is important because it expresses the desire for social change, communicates a common theme, and recreates and interprets information, ideas, and emotions.
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