Our short film could fall in many different genres. However, the genre we chose for our short film is drama. The three genres were action, drama, and horror that we were researched. The drama genre was the most accurate genre to describe our short film. Our short film is about a mother being verbally abusive which means a lot of shouting, bullying, and loud noises going on.
These are some of the many things that contribute to the drama genre according to our research. The inspiration for our decision is quite simple and obvious. Our inspiration for choosing this genre was our research. We compared all the elements and analyzed all the elements within the genres. Then, we compared that to the elements of our short film and saw the drama genre was the best fit.
From the process of researching all three to just choosing one was a learning experience. It shows how much in common film genres have and what sets them so differently from each other. We believe our pitch needs no tweaking at this time. The picture is a verbal abusive relationship with a mother and daughter. This pitch is very vague so we can always tweak it along the way if we have to.
However, our pitch is perfect for right now. We both are very interested with our pitch and both have an understanding of this pitch. We like the genre our short film falls in. This is because we are both familiar with this genre. Most importantly, the other genres like horror barely applies to our film which is why the choice of picking the genre it falls in was easy to conclude.
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