The Short: My first impressions of the 9 short film was a bit confusing and when things slowly began to make sense in the end we were left with a weird cliff hanger and although it didn't make much sense seeing the numbers stitched onto other ghost dolls backs before the screen goes out helps establish that there is more to the story and that the is an explanation to what we were seeing. We couldn't really tell what the plot was in the beginning of the short it was hard to put two and two together but after seeing the ghost dolls it can an appeal of an post-apocalyptic event that happened with 9 being the only survivor of his kind in the all out war. In the character development you could see that 9 was alert and nervous yet curious to find out whats going on and what he can do to survive. The character built a sense of fight or flight mode during the chaos in the short. We saw that there were lots of special effects i'm not really sure how those effects were accomplished but of curse with some more research I can most likely figure it out. Some examples of the specials were the animated ghost dolls with sequential numbers stitched to the back of each ghost doll. From what we were shown in the short film the directorial style we saw was one that used more sound effects than actual dialogue he wanted it to come off mysterious and dangerous. It seems as though he wants the audience to think more to understand what is being presented he wants the audience to be mentally engaged in the story of the film and understand that there isn't much individuality of each individual doll the purpose was to show they were all of the same kind almost as if if was that species vs another. Some conventions used from clamps were lots of CGI including ghost appearances, rag dolls, robot machines with animal bone structures and features. We feel this was harder to determine based off of this one film but 9 is a humanoid rag doll who lives in the ruins of a decaying, post-apocalyptic Earth as the last of his kind. 9 has a flashback while sitting calmly, staring into the mirrored surface of his own weird talisman. 9 examines the ruins with his mentor, 5, a one-eyed rag doll, in the flashback. The Cat Beast assaults the pair, killing 5 by sucking his soul out of his mouth, while 9 manages to flee. The warning green glow of the mirrored talisman jolts 9 out of his reverie. The Cat Beast chases 9 inside a structure, revealing that it has taken not only the souls of the other rag dolls, but also their numbered skins, which it wears like a clothing. The spirits of the eight killed rag dolls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 exit from the unified talisman in a beam of green light, returning to their rag doll skins to be at peace. 5's soul changes to 9 and nods in approval before vanishing. 9 walks off into the wasteland in the morning, leaving the empty talisman on the sand. The emotional and empathetic mood set in the scene is show in a weird manner but is visible in the silence. The directors style has lots of dark elements that aren't seen to often in animated films like these.
Full length: Unlike the short the full length movie contained lots of meaningful detail there was a message conveyed in the short that came across a lot faster than the full length movie. The short contained little to no dialogue compared to the full length movie. In the short only a few of the dolls are shown until the end. More background and detail on each doll is expressed later in the full film. The dolls each had their own individualize personality and showed their own character/personality when introduced through the way the handled the situation of being stuck in an post apocalyptic society fighting for survival. The CGI in both films were clear and showed purpose however the skill used in the full movie was definitely more in depth compared to the short. Some qualities that the short contained that the full length movie lacked in the focus on the stitch punks dolls emotions and whole purpose/focus in the film the short focus more on getting the message across while insuring to introduce the main elements and characters that played a factor in ending the apocalyptic foil. The full contained more character development, more sound, better character introduction as well as better camera angles and transitions. I definitely found the full length film more interesting and it was hard to keep my attention in the short seeing as there wasn't much talking and not much character development. A lot of the conventions added in both films included the robots & stitch punks. Others included in just the full length film is the genetic manipulation that scientist included in the creation of the dolls that allowed them the ability to speak and move on their own accord. Since it falls under the science fiction genre the post apocalyptic theme and eerie setting suits the science gone wrong events and situation surround the big message.
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