Alright guys so update from last time!! I have found a partner her name is Ronneka. She's a junior and she gives off the idea that she's willing to help me get the work done so we will definitely be working together. I had a hard time figuring out what to do about the upcoming work but she happened to be coming up to ask questions at the same time as me and we clicked instantly. We started talking and set some basic boundaries and got information about one another schedules and busy everyday lives.
This was so that when its time to film and edit we know who can do what and how we are going to setup our dates to get our filming done. There may be some problems later on in scheduling since her schedule is off balance but its okay Ill be able to adjust since my schedule is set and most organized. We both have transportation she doesn't have a secure way but it shouldn't be a problem I can always come and get her. I exchanged contact information with her and we got information that there may be a third member added to the group but we both agreed it would be easier to just leave it with us to. I was also thinking that since I know this class will be overwhelming and she has taken classes that I already have that I may even be able to help her get some of her work done for other classes.
It would just be to make it easier on her and less stressful. I am looking for ways to strategically do this right so that its not to hectic later on. I really am relieved that there is someone that understands and is open to ideas and has the same mindset as far as work ethic goes. This project will definitely be better planned than last years. However, our genre may have to compromised I see and we talked about our genres from last year that we definitely had different genre's and may have to find one we both don't mind.
Otherwise we should be fine. I am a little nervous this class is definitely more independent than AS level. I know I can manage however it is still nerve wrecking since its less talking and more just do want you need to. We know what to do already and our guidelines are simple and give us the materials we need so its okay for now but I don't know whats next yet. So until next time guys thank you for listening!!
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